Thursday, August 22, 2013

Tyler Perry

Hello and Good Day Mr. Perry

I am interested in a position within your Tyler Perry Foundation, well a volunteer position. I definitely would like to help with events and whatever else within your organization, because from what I have read and researched your vision for others is my passion, I currently work in the field of Youth Development and outreach services for some years now. I want to volunteer with your organization because I feel like I am not doing enough, and I am determined, I desire, I  want to give more and help others attain the greatness they deserve that they never knew was buried within them.

Proverbs 8:17 I love those who love me, and those who seek me diligently find me.

I know you may get people asking you for something and wanting something all the time, but I promise you I am not like that. Some say I have too much pride to ask anyone for anything and yes, I kind of agree. I feel like I am an able bodied person and if I want something then I am going to work for it before I ask anyone else for anything I can get myself.  I know you do not need me for anything but I really do want to just help your Foundation by volunteering my time, my skills, and my knowledge in the field area of case management, youth development, project planning, hosting local events or nationwide events such as health fairs, motivation speaking,  and educating families about finances and anything else I can plan to make the events a success.

Colossians 2:6-7  Therefore as you have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, having been firmly rooted and now being built up in Him and established in your faith, just as you were instructed, and overflowing with gratitude.

Thanks for this opportunity

Saturday, March 2, 2013



Have you ever had those days where you just feel like crying.... I just feel like crying for no reason, just crying.. I heard for every tear you shed God collects them and turn them into blessings.
Well I must have a river like the Nile stored somewhere
but wait im in denial.
... Life told me there's nothing wrong with crying I believed it when he said crying is like taking your soul to the laundry mat, yes-yes the laundry mat where you will get tumbled, rolled around, used, abused beyond recognition, we enter soiled with filth with a foul odor ..

You see when I cry my weakness has been revealed, and I am not the woman I appear to be, I become the weaker of the weakest.

On the outside I stand strong, proud, fearless, I don't have  THOSE problems, the ones everyone else does. I dismiss them and roll out because I can't get hurt! I need to get over it and put my big girl panties on. Everyone has problems what makes mines so different and important? I suck it up and keep it moving.
 TO HECK WITH THAT I feel like crying, my soul is hurting and I want to release the pain, the joy, the hate, the rage, Crying is the cleansing, let it out, let it out, and move on.

I feel like crying, so I am pouring out my soul adding to that river. Say what you want! The feeling I get when I cry, is like that day! When I was 5yrs old. 
My aunt held me told me don't worry about it, life is rough, roll with it and make the best out of it! You win in life you loose more, but the joy you get from winning is unexplainable.
Live life like it's your last, love yourself, and embrace God with a child like heart